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Looking back 10 years

If you look at the legal service industry from an economic perspective, the real stimulating driver in the demand of (units of) legal production is legal complexity. People pay money to consume units of legal production because it is not cost effective to tackle the complexity themselves. In the last decade we see an increase in legal complexity accompanied by an increasing demand of productivity by legal services providers. This blog explains how these developments have pushed transformation in the legal service industry.

Hunting the unknown

Intrusion detection is a hot topic in the world of cyber security. Especially with artificial intelligence and machine learning as the new buzzwords it can be difficult for outsiders to know what to expect from them. In this article we aim to explain the fundamental basics of anomaly detection. In particular we discuss the strengths and limitations of such techniques, how far we can go towards full automation, and what you should keep in mind when using anomaly detection.

Is blockchain the remedy for the tax problems?

Digitalization is an unstoppable process and terms such as "bitcoin" and "blockchain" have been the most hyped topics of recent years. In spite of their growing popularity, those terms still tend to create confusion. However, we all need to face reality: the world is on the cusp of a technological revolution and new technologies will change the current state of play in the tax world.

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